Datos personales

Nacì en Bogota, tengo un hermano. Vivo con mis dos hijos: Juan Pablo y Miguel angel que son mi adoracion.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009



One day I was wishing
A dinosaur to see.
I wanted to know just
how big one might be.

I studied them carefully
At school and the zoo
And read all the books
That grandma sent too.
My dad said I shouldn't
get my hopes up too high
"Dinosaurs are extinct."
He said, with a sigh.

Grandpa said "You should
Never let go of your dream".
So I dreamt about tricopherus
Without one loud scream.

Then one day it happened.
I woke up in bed
With dinosaur breath
Swirling over my head.
"Heard you wanted to see me."
The Dinosaur said.
"You're not going to eat me?"
"I've already been fed."
The big giant answered
With a huge silly grin
And I felt very giggly
As he licked at his chin.

"My friends call me Meglo."
He said with a smile.
"I'm Joey", I answered
Liking him all the while.
"So. What'll it be?
I"m yours for the day.
Do you want to explore
Or do you want to play?"
My friend Meglo asked.
I said "Let's explore.
Let's be detectives!"
We shot out the door.

I gathered my hat,
my spyglass...my pad.
Together we walked
Making notes. I was glad.
Then Meglo took me
To a strange and dark place
"What's the matter with you?
What's that look on your face?"

The old giant asked me
I gave him a frown.
"I don't really know
Where I am. Far from town?"
I worried about mom
and I worried about dad
Would they be missing
The only son that they had?

Then all of a sudden
The sky turned real bright
And before my young eyes
Was a wondrous sight.
There were dinosaurs eating
And flying around
All of them making
A most curious sound.

A sound like a freight train
Of loud, pounding feet.
And Meglo said "Here,
Is a guy you should meet."

"I'm real pleased to know you"
Bronty's tail did a sweep.
His neck was too long
He fell over his feet.

I laughed. He did too.
"That's a really neat trick."
I shouted. And Bronty
Gave my face a big lick.

Soon we met Albert
Swatting off flies.
He growled as he asked
"What's up with you guys?"
Stomping his foot
Showing teeth that he bared
I tell you the truth
I really was scared!

"UH...well...I was just wondering
About dinosaurs and things
And Meglo came this morning
"What's that thing with wings?"
I shouted in haste
Interrupting our talk
"Why that's just old Spotty.
Taking his walk."

Bronty replied.
"Have you met Baron yet?
He's over there skating
You'll like him. I'll bet!"
He was right. Baron
was the silliest of all.
Never mind that he really
was fourteen feet tall!

It was dinosaur heaven
I could hardly believe
I could have so much fun
Had a tug on my sleeve.

It turned out to be Carny
A guitar in his paws
He sounded like Elvis
Through his large meaty jaws.

Then all of a sudden
The dinosaurs froze
And all I could see
Was one giant nose.
Followed by teeth
That was followed by spit
"It was Tyrannus Rex
I would die. This was it!"

The dinosaurs ran
All scared of Rex.
Frightened to death
He'd break all their necks.
My friend stared him down
Rex got ready to fight
Then Meglo and I
Began a fast flight.
We scurried and hurried
As fast as we dared
Going into the woods
And boy was I scared!

I could hear old Rex coming
He was beating his breast.
"I'm going to get you!"
My heart stopped in my chest!
Rex ranted and shouted.
I ran dearly for life
"Enough dinosaurs!
Too much stress! Too much strife!"

I promised that I'd never
Never EVER be bad
Or ask for a thing
That I could not have.
If only...if only...
if only...I could
Get out of here now."
I'd always be good."
I would never...no never...
no never...not do
Every one of the things
Mom and Dad told me to.

I'd clean up my room
I'd make up my bed
Take a bath every night
Wash the hair on my head.
I'd put on clean clothes
And smell nice and neat
I'd pay attention in school
And sit still in my seat.

Rex didn't care.
Not even one bit.
His teeth kept on gnashing
He just would not quit.
"I'll get you!" he shouted
"You'll be mine. Wait and see!
I"ll have you for dinner!"
I ran and I ran
Until I was wrung out.
Then all of a sudden
I heard Grandma shout!

"Quiet down. Goodness me
Quiet down, now my dear."
Are you having a dream?
I'm here now, don't fear!"

Dinosaur heaven.
Did I really go there?
Did Rex really chase me?
I sure had a good scare!

I wondered if it all
was a crazy old dream
Or if it really happened
And was all that it seemed.

I'll never know now
But each day I wait
For Meglo to return
For a dinosaur date.
© 1999 J. Symonds FunSitesToSee.com ProductionsAll Rights Reserved
email this


Ver mapa más grande

el hipopotamo y el perro-video-

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

10 great tips to stay healthy

In youtube you will find a nice video about the food you should eat... watch it: 10 great tips to be a new you!


If you want to play nice games related to how to stay healthy go to GOOGLE and write down: EAT WELL-BE WELL.. you will enjoy it!

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

wordsearch crossword:illnesses and injuries


miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009


I recommend this page to read about our next project: Staying healthy, IT`S VERY INTERESTING.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009


One day I was wishing
A dinosaur to see.
I wanted to know just
how big one might be.

I studied them carefully
At school and the zoo
And read all the books
That grandma sent too.
My dad said I shouldn't
get my hopes up too high
"Dinosaurs are extinct."
He said, with a sigh.

Grandpa said "You should
Never let go of your dream".
So I dreamt about tricopherus
Without one loud scream.

Then one day it happened.
I woke up in bed
With dinosaur breath
Swirling over my head.
"Heard you wanted to see me."
The Dinosaur said.
"You're not going to eat me?"
"I've already been fed."
The big giant answered
With a huge silly grin
And I felt very giggly
As he licked at his chin.

"My friends call me Meglo."
He said with a smile.
"I'm Joey", I answered
Liking him all the while.
"So. What'll it be?
I"m yours for the day.
Do you want to explore
Or do you want to play?"
My friend Meglo asked.
I said "Let's explore.
Let's be detectives!"
We shot out the door.

I gathered my hat,
my spyglass...my pad.
Together we walked
Making notes. I was glad.
Then Meglo took me
To a strange and dark place
"What's the matter with you?
What's that look on your face?"

The old giant asked me
I gave him a frown.
"I don't really know
Where I am. Far from town?"
I worried about mom
and I worried about dad
Would they be missing
The only son that they had?

Then all of a sudden
The sky turned real bright
And before my young eyes
Was a wondrous sight.
There were dinosaurs eating
And flying around
All of them making
A most curious sound.

A sound like a freight train
Of loud, pounding feet.
And Meglo said "Here,
Is a guy you should meet."

"I'm real pleased to know you"
Bronty's tail did a sweep.
His neck was too long
He fell over his feet.

I laughed. He did too.
"That's a really neat trick."
I shouted. And Bronty
Gave my face a big lick.

Soon we met Albert
Swatting off flies.
He growled as he asked
"What's up with you guys?"
Stomping his foot
Showing teeth that he bared
I tell you the truth
I really was scared!

"UH...well...I was just wondering
About dinosaurs and things
And Meglo came this morning
"What's that thing with wings?"
I shouted in haste
Interrupting our talk
"Why that's just old Spotty.
Taking his walk."

Bronty replied.
"Have you met Baron yet?
He's over there skating
You'll like him. I'll bet!"
He was right. Baron
was the silliest of all.
Never mind that he really
was fourteen feet tall!

It was dinosaur heaven
I could hardly believe
I could have so much fun
Had a tug on my sleeve.

It turned out to be Carny
A guitar in his paws
He sounded like Elvis
Through his large meaty jaws.

Then all of a sudden
The dinosaurs froze
And all I could see
Was one giant nose.
Followed by teeth
That was followed by spit
"It was Tyrannus Rex
I would die. This was it!"

The dinosaurs ran
All scared of Rex.
Frightened to death
He'd break all their necks.
My friend stared him down
Rex got ready to fight
Then Meglo and I
Began a fast flight.
We scurried and hurried
As fast as we dared
Going into the woods
And boy was I scared!

I could hear old Rex coming
He was beating his breast.
"I'm going to get you!"
My heart stopped in my chest!
Rex ranted and shouted.
I ran dearly for life
"Enough dinosaurs!
Too much stress! Too much strife!"

I promised that I'd never
Never EVER be bad
Or ask for a thing
That I could not have.
If only...if only...
if only...I could
Get out of here now."
I'd always be good."
I would never...no never...
no never...not do
Every one of the things
Mom and Dad told me to.

I'd clean up my room
I'd make up my bed
Take a bath every night
Wash the hair on my head.
I'd put on clean clothes
And smell nice and neat
I'd pay attention in school
And sit still in my seat.

Rex didn't care.
Not even one bit.
His teeth kept on gnashing
He just would not quit.
"I'll get you!" he shouted
"You'll be mine. Wait and see!
I"ll have you for dinner!"
I ran and I ran
Until I was wrung out.
Then all of a sudden
I heard Grandma shout!

"Quiet down. Goodness me
Quiet down, now my dear."
Are you having a dream?
I'm here now, don't fear!"

Dinosaur heaven.
Did I really go there?
Did Rex really chase me?
I sure had a good scare!

I wondered if it all
was a crazy old dream
Or if it really happened
And was all that it seemed.

I'll never know now
But each day I wait
For Meglo to return
For a dinosaur date.
© 1999 J. Symonds FunSitesToSee.com ProductionsAll Rights Reserved
email this


STATUS: Endangered.

DESCRIPTION: Of the three subspecies of gorilla, the mountain gorilla is the largest and rarest. Remarkably strong, the mountain gorilla has a short trunk and a broad chest and shoulders. Males develop a streak of silver hair on their backs when they mature and are called "silverbacks."
SIZE: Male mountain gorillas reach an average of 6 feet tall (when standing upright) and weigh 400 to 500 pounds, making them the largest of the great apes (chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas). Females are smaller, standing an average of 4 to 5 feet tall and weighing 150 to 200 pounds.
POPULATION: Fewer than 650 mountain gorillas survive today in two geographically isolated populations. Approximately 320 gorillas inhabit the Virunga volcanoes region of Rwanda, Zaire, and Uganda, while the remaining number inhabits Uganda's Bwindi National Park.
LIFESPAN: Mountain gorillas live up to 53 years in captivity.
RANGE: Mountain gorillas can be found only in the forest ecosystems of Rwanda, Zaire, and Uganda.
HABITAT: The dense, forest ecosystems of the mountains of East Africa are the last remaining habitat of the mountain gorilla.
FOOD: Mountain gorillas eat large amounts of vegetation and spend about 30 percent of each day foraging for food. They consume roots, leaves, stems of herbs, vines, bark from trees, shrub-sized plants, and bamboo shoots.
BEHAVIOR: Mountain gorillas are shy, retiring animals. They live in social groups of 2 to 35 individuals. An adult male silverback is the leader and protector of his band, which consists of females and offspring. Silverbacks will charge anything that threatens them or their group and are known for their chest beating displays when in danger.
OFFSPRING: Females reach breeding age at about 10 years old. They typically bear young every four to five years, giving birth after a gestation period of eight to nine months. Young gorillas cling to their mother's chests until they are old enough to ride on her back. A young gorilla remain with its mother until 5 years of age.
THREATS: Habitat destruction and poaching pose serious threats to the future of this species.
PROTECTION: Endangered Species Act, *CITES, Appendix

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

The Tragedy of the Dodo

The dodo bird became extinct because the Portuguese sailors came and started to hunt the animals to eat them.

The dodo was a large, bird covered in soft, grey feathers, with a white tail. The head of the dodo is light grey. Its head was grey, with small yellow eyes. Dodos have a long beak which was light green or yellow. It had small wings and they couldn’t flight because it and their weight. The dodo’s legs were short, yellow and at the end of the legs were four toes.
Food Habits
The diet of the dodo was based on fish.
The dodo is described as a lazy, rather dumb animal. It had virtually no defences against predators.

The dodo made its home primarily in the forest


Endangered Animals
Extinction is Forever

Extinction is the disappearance, brought about by natural or unnatural means, of an entire species.
Some species of plants and animals die out naturally because newer species are more successful at competing for food and living space. Others have become extinct because of changes in the planet or because of natural disasters. Dinosaurs, for example, may have died out because the climate became cooler--maybe because an asteroid collided with the earth and caused a big cloud of dust that blocked out the sun.
In today's world, however, species mostly become extinct or are threatened with extinction because of humans. Humans hunt animals, destroy their habitats, and introduce other animals that prey upon the endangered animals or compete for their resources. Among these factors, the greatest threat to plants and animals is habitat destruction.
It is estimated that about 125 species of birds and 60 species of mammals have become extinct since 1600. Currently, there are approximately 1000-1100 species of birds and mammals that are facing extinction. If invertebrates and plants are included, the total number of species in imminent danger is around 20,000.